Lately I have been turning into my mother. I know you hear that a lot but I mean it literally. Here is how it goes: Milo gets out a toy, usually a truck or a horse, and lays out the scenario…he is Pappy and I am Grammy. The part comes quite naturally for me so it’s an easy game. What I love most about it though is how when Milo is Pappy he stands a little taller, his voice gets a little louder and he always asks “What do you think, Grammy?”
My Dad is one of Milo’s biggest heroes. It might have something to do with the line of motorcycles Pappy’s got lined up in the garage, or the loader tractor that is his favorite color of green. It might be because Pappy has a few cowboy hats he lets Milo wear around. But mostly Milo probably sees in Pappy what just about everybody around him sees, a kind man with a most generous heart.
We love you Pappy!!
What a precious post, Holly! You have such a sweet spirit.