It was one of those moments.
You know the ones
where your emotional collapse
takes you
(and often an unlucky someone else)
by surprise??
I pulled up to the gas station
and my cell phone rang.
My buddy Sara on the other end.
What started out as
"hey howya doin?"
Quickly digressed into a
bumbling slobbering mess.
Right there at the gas pump.
Somehow amidst school starting,
Milo's birthday, Elsa's surgery,
and some jr. high drama...
My train derailed and I fell apart.
We had planned on taking Sara's preggo pics.
I said we could wait until next week.
But she saw right through it
and like a great friend
sent me a text.
"I will be at your house @ 7
and we can go take pics."
Just the escape I needed.
A night to take pictures
of a wonderful person waiting
for the most wonderful gift.
So we enjoyed an hour of fresh air.
And thanks to a lovely neighbor
with a lovely yard,
and a beautiful belly
on a beautiful girl...
on a bicycle built for two
her pot of gold
farm girl
Wow....those are gorgeous pictures!